Tuesday, February 1, 2011

The best exercise for weight loss: Interval Training

If you read my article called Exercise: Essential, please
Go to the next section, entitled How to interval training. Read on if you have the basics of movement, a reminder to lose weight. Down to year to find a link to the full article.

Aerobic exercise is burning fat. How do you work with large
The muscles (legs especially), increases heart rate, but can still breathe
Normally, your body burn fat with oxygen to breathe. But it
the body does not burn sugar in the blood at first, because it is easily accessible. Here's how
stage to burn fat, you have at least 20 minutes of exercise, preferably 30
Minutes or more. Walking and cycling in a sweet rhythm are examples of aerobic
Activities. Read my article on aerobics.

Weight Loss For Men

Weight Loss For Men

Weight Loss For Men

Anaerobic exercises are high intensity workouts, muscles work
fixed, if you have difficulty breathing. The word "anaerobic" means "without air"
which means that you breathe faster, but still not enough oxygen to
well feed your muscles. This leads to muscle growth, but it also means
Burn blood sugar, fat, and you end up with lactic acid
Your muscles feel as if they were burned. Weight lifting and sprinting are
anaerobic exercise.

You can stillAerobic and anaerobic exercise burn
in equal amounts of calories, not as a rule. Aerobic exercise burns
Calories from fat during exercise. anaerobic exercise only burn blood sugar,
But a lot of fat burns later (that day) to replace the energy. E 'can
combine the two, so you can burn fat during exercise and continue to burn
The rest of the day? Yes, with interval training.

AsInterval Training

The "pause" interval training is alternating periods of high intensity exercise
Rest periods of low intensity. This allows a person to exercise for at least
30 minutes aerobic activity that actually occurred, but also very intense
strengthen the heart and provide long-term high intensity fat burning
Exercise. The idea is simple but ingenious and surprisingly effective.

It is possible, using interval trainingto measure time or distance measurement. If you
I prefer to run at home in the gym followed, then there's probably seen a clock, while
It would, so the times may be easier to monitor. If you prefer to travel by train
outside, it can be embarrassing to watch the clock every few seconds, then goes
its removal will probably be easier. If you have time, you must run faster
possible for a full minute, then walk for two minutes. Then run it back for a
another minuteand the rest two minutes walk. Repeat these 3 minutes
Cycle 30 minutes have passed in its entirety. If you prefer table of distances,
will last about half a mile, then walk a quarter mile, and alternate

Benefits of interval training

world-class athletes already know that interval training is the best way to improve
almost all aspects of performance management. The effect of hand, that leg-intensive
The exercise, like running, then the legs stronger. This means that more muscle mass,
and every ounce of new muscle burns more fat per minute of each
Day. The second effect of high intensity training is called "heart." E '
means to increase short for cardiovascular exercise your heart is a muscle
stronger. This prevents many forms of heart disease, and improving
Circulation which has advantages in many aspects ofLife.

The main advantage of interval training is that it is the ideal way is
Improve Your VO2 max is the volume (V) of oxygen (O2), with the
Your deeper breath (max). VO2 max is the best measure of fitness and endurance.
The higher your VO2 max interval training, you get more resistance
Whatever you do, and the highest VO2max, the less you will feel the heat
Pressure on the lungs when you exercise. Faithme, after an interval training
Week does not believe that to improve your VO2max test, and soon
You will feel better in every training session. It 's a good feeling.

The improvement ranges

Drinking water during any period of rest. If the bottle of water per day
You have probably noticed that you do not run faster or longer. The difference is
truly remarkable.

Using the method of time better than the distancekeep you honest, because
You can get faster, run the half mile to make the time to take less and less. Getting there
Improve your performance and we continue to lose weight, you must be a
Stopwatch, or continue to run intervals on and on (on
ensure that they are still a full minute).

The higher your VO2 max, you could try to do workouts for longer
taken together, or at high intensity for longer.You should do this or
these things. Your goal should be to maintain a distance of 1 minute film
separated by 2 minutes on foot, and increase the intensity of each
Running interval. If you have a Sprint at each interval, a full minute, hold
40 minutes, you're already a superhero. More Workouts risk
Deterioration of the fabric and a high load on your kidneys and other organs. And if
You want more of each interval can not pushIts top speed
possible, what are the advantages.

At the other end of the scale, if you are just starting interval training, just go. To
Many men begin to burn and within minutes of 10 This is fast
Not to your advantage. Warm up with a jog or brisk walk for 10 minutes.
In order to test the first interval. E 'for a full minute, but only try, with a rate of
slightly faster than jogging. Then for two minutes. ToTheir next test interval
Maintaining this fast-paced jog for another minute. Then go back for two
Minutes. Do not sit or stand, if you can avoid going to continue to recover. Their
third interval to try a bit 'faster. If not for a minute,
just discovered that your field. The key is to try and not immediately sprint
be able to walk for 20 seconds. You have one minute with a constant speed, as
faster than youcan be maintained for a full minute. I guarantee you will be very slow
Your first time. But try again tomorrow, and you will be better. At the end of
two weeks you'll be amazed how much more valuable than they are now. I promise.

If you do not plan to be back for training, you read my article for the year can be found on the website of weightlessness Mr.

The best exercise for weight loss: Interval Training

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